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In order to improve the position of farmers and farmer organizations in value chain requires that farmers get reliable market information on type, quality and quantity demanded, price and other valuable information. Moreover, farmers need information on improved agronomic techniques and practices to produce the required quality and quantity. It is believed that integration of ICT in the activities of the FMOs would improve the position of smallholder farmers and their organizations in value chain
Accordingly, OSRA along with its partners is integrating information communication technologies in FMOs’ daily activities with the main purpose of enhancing the competitiveness and effectiveness of FMOs. Currently, OSRA is piloting this project with ten FMOs in four districts.
The project mainly focus on enhancing competitiveness of FMOs in the decision making process of their member households through accessing relevant and reliable market information improving efficiency and effectiveness of FMOs and their Union using ICT services that improve their member households’ productivity.